

 2019年10月16日(水)、経済経営学部主催で、スウェーデンの名門カロリンスカ医科大学(Karolinska Institutet)Ulf Johanson名誉教授(インタンジブルズ・マネジメント)、Emmanuel Aboagye博士(医療経済)による「健康経営」を主題とする講演会が開催されました。(開催場所:西館アクティブルームA)経済経営学部の教員だけでなく、人文学部、健康医療学部、教育開発センター、工学部(2020年4月開設 )の教員、職員、日本人学生、外国人留学生など計40名が参加し、熱心に聴講しました。1時間の予定だった講演会の終了後も、約30分間にわたり積極的な意見交換が行われました。




Johanson 名誉教授、Aboagye博士は、今回の講演会において大変有益な意見交換ができたと喜ばれていました。

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(経済経営学部 准教授 付 馨)

Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) Johanson Emeritus Professor Group Lecture

On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, in Activity Room A of the West Building, a lecture sponsored by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration on the theme of “health management” was presented by Professor Emeritus Ulf Johanson (Intangibles Management) and Dr. Emmanuel Aboagye (Health Economics) of the prestigious Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. A total of 40 people attended from the Faculties of Economics and Business Administration, Humanities, Health and Medical Sciences, and Engineering (opening in April 2020), as well as delegates from the educational development center, University staff, and both Japanese and international students. After listening eagerly to the hour-long lecture, the participants spent another 30 minutes actively exchanging opinions.

The lecture, entitled “Workplace health and safety management,” focused on the health and safety of company employees that play an important role in creating corporate value and who represent important human assets. Two main topics were presented. First, a conceptual framework that would include human resources as part of a consolidated assessment of financial assets, because human resources are extremely important and yet would normally not be included in such assessments. Second, the results of empirical research demonstrating the loss of corporate productivity caused by employee health and safety issues, in particular those of absenteeism (absence from work) and presenteeism (working while suffering from illnesses and symptoms that reduce performance and productivity) which were previously neglected.

Following the lecture, the participants continued to ask questions and make comments. In particular, a constructive exchange of views on the conceptual framework for incorporating human assets into consolidated assessments was held in connection with issues such as adapting to Japanese business practices and obtaining data for international comparisons. After that, the faculty continued the discussion according to their various interests.

On this occasion Professor Emeritus Johanson visited Japan for joint research on consolidated reporting, conducting interviews with representatives of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In Kyoto he had already planned a survey interview with Tadaaki Hamada, Vice-Chairman of the University, which presented us with the opportunity to invite him to give this lecture.

Professor Emeritus Johanson and Dr. Aboagye said they were pleased to have had a very useful exchange of opinions at this lecture.

(Fu Xin, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)



