【重要:新型コロナウイルス関連】緊急事態宣言発令に伴う感染防止対策強化について/【Important:COVID-19 Notice】Reinforcing COVID-19 Safety Measures due to the Declaration of a State of Emergency.



委員長 前田 正史
(京都先端科学大学 学長)





▷ 不要不急の外出・会食の自粛

  • 人と人との接触機会を低減することが重要です。特に飲食を伴う外出や飲み会、ホームパーティー、20時以降の外出はせず、接触頻度を下げてください。
  • 昼食時等マスクを外す場合は、会話をしないでください。


▷ 改めての感染防止対策の強化

  • 感染防止の3つの基本(身体的距離の確保(ソーシャルディスタンス)・マスクの着用・手洗い)を励行してください。


▷ 緊急事態宣言後の来校について

  • 緊急事態宣言発令後も、図書館・PC教室の利用等、来校可能です。進路相談や国家試験対策等、困った時はいつでも相談に来てください。どのような時も教職員は全力で皆さんを支援します。
  • 自習については、密を避けるため図書館の利用を推奨します。
  • 緊急事態宣言発令中、両キャンパス共に20時以降の出入りを原則禁止しますのでご留意ください。



To all Students,

Kyoto University of Advanced Science
Crisis Management Committee
Committee Chairman: Masashi Maeda
(President of Kyoto University of Advanced Science)


【Important】Reinforcing COVID-19 Safety Measures due to

the Declaration of a State of Emergency


With the announcement of a state of emergency in Osaka, Hyogo and Kyoto today, we strongly request that students take the following infection prevention measures. We ask for your continued cooperation so that each person will take responsibility for prevention measures and avoid being infected or infecting others.


▷ Refrain from Unnecessary and Non-urgent Outings and Dining Out

  • It is important to reduce person-to-person contact。In particular, do not go to meetings that include food or drink, go to parties held at home, or go out after 8:00 PM.
  • When you take off your mask to eat lunch, please refrain from talking.

▷ Reinforcement of Infection Prevention Measures

  • Please follow the 3 basics of infection prevention. (Social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing your hands).

▷ About coming to campus after the Declaration of a State of Emergency

  • Even after the declaration of a state of emergency has been issued, you can still visit the school to use the library and PC classrooms, for example. Please come anytime if you have any concerns, such as about career counseling or preparation for the national examination. No matter when, the faculty and staff will do their best to support you.
  • We recommend studying in the library to avoid crowds.
  • Please note that during the declaration of a state of emergency, entering and leaving both campuses after 20 o'clock is prohibited in principle.
  • From January 18 (Monday), Uzumasa Campus (North and South Wings) Library will close at 20 o'clock




