





バイオ環境学部バイオサイエンス学科教授 福田裕穂先生

健康医療学部健康スポーツ学科准教授 石井泰光先生

経済経営学部経済学科准教授 小川顕正先生

人文学部歴史文化学科特任教授 平雅行先生

工学部機械電気システム工学科教授 川上浩司先生

(広報課 鷲巣肇)

[Tell Us Teacher]We published an interview article with five teachers including Professor Hiroo Fukuda of Bio environment Manabu director.

We would like to inform you that we have released "Tell Us Teacher" to introduce our teachers.

This year, five people participated in the seminar, including Mr. Hiroo Fukuda, Professor of History and Culture, Faculty of Humanities; Mr. Yasumitsu Ishii, Professor of Health and Sport, Faculty of Health and Medicine; Mr. Akimasa Ogawa, Professor of director, Biotechnology and environment Studies; Mr. Masayuki Taira, Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; and Mr. Koji Kawakami, Professor of Engineering, electricity system, Faculty of Engineering, machine/machinery.

I hear about not only your research content but also your hobbies, so please take a look.

Professor Hiroo Fukuda, Professor of Bioscience, Faculty of Bio environment

Associate Professor Yasumitsu Ishii, Associate Professor, Health and Sports Department, Faculty of Health and Medicine

Associate Professor OGAWA Akinobu, Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Professor TAIRA Masayuki, Department of History and Culture, Faculty of Humanities

Professor Kawakami Hiroshi, lecturer in engineering, machine/machinery electricity system, Faculty of Engineering

(Hajime Washizu Public Relations Division)



