森 一彦 MORI Kazuhiko
学位 | 東京大学大学院 人文社会系研究科 情報学専攻修士課程修了 |
所属学会 | マーケティング学会、サービス学会、広告学会 |
専門分野 | ブランドマネジメント、マーケティング、サービスデザイン |
略歴 | 1983年慶応大学文学部英米文学卒業、株式会社大広にて得意先のマーケティングやコミュニケーション活動の企画実施、1993年東京大学大学院 人文社会系研究科 情報学専攻修士課程修了、その後、大広ブランドデザインにてブランディング・コンサルティングに従事。2014年より関西学院大学専門職大学院 経営戦略研究科教授を経て、2021年より京都先端科学大学 国際学術研究院 教授。 MORI Kazuhiko completed the Master's Program in Informatics, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo. As a staff member of the marketing and planning divisions of Daiko Advertising Inc., he was engaged in business vision development, product development, and marketing communication in many fields, such as tourism, liquor, food, and distribution. At Daiko Brand Design Inc., he worked as a brand strategist in such fields as theme-park business revitalization, consumer goods, and B2B branding. Furthermore, he has experience of being involved in a wide range of projects, including expo surveys, the formulation of basic concepts, business revitalization, support for people affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and workshop development from the perspective of art-oriented thinking. He also served as a jury member for an essay competition organized by the Japan Advertising Agencies Association from 2013 to 2017. He is now a director of Japan Marketing Academy and the representative of the research project “Study Group for Marketing in the Age of Industry Innovation.” He is also a member of the Society for Serviceology and the Japan Academy of Advertising. |
担当科目 | マーケティング、ブランドマネジメント Brand Management; Research Guidance |
お問い合せ |
研究キーワード | サービスドミナントロジック、ブランディング、デザイン思考、価値共創、ユーザーイノベーション |
論文 |
“In the field of marketing, which ‘creates’ customers, I aim to be a ‘wild researcher’ who can flexibly change perspectives based on thoughts hidden in human beings and raise problems even in any uncertain situation. Amid radical social, economic, and industrial change, I hope to pursue my studies toward a new future together with you while shifting the focus of marketing from analysis to abduction.”