

名和 高司 NAWA Takashi




専門分野 グローバル経営、成長戦略、イノベーション、企業変革、リーダーシップ

東京大学法学部卒、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール修士(ベーカースカラー授与)。三菱商事の機械(東京、ニューヨーク)に約10年間勤務。 2010年まで、マッキンゼーのディレクターとして、約20年間、コンサルティングに従事。自動車・製造業分野におけるアジア地域ヘッド、ハイテク・通信分野における日本支社ヘッドを歴任。日本、アジア、アメリカなどを舞台に、多様な業界において、次世代成長戦略、全社構造改革などのプロジェクトに幅広く従事。2010年6月より、一橋大学大学院国際企業戦略研究科教授に就任。デンソー(~2019年まで)、ファーストリテイリング、味の素、SOMPOホールディングス、NECキャピタルソリューション(いずれも現在も)の社外取締役、ならびに、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループ(~2016年まで)、インターブランド、アクセンチュア(いずれも現在も)のシニア・アドバイザーを兼任。

NAWA Takashi graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. He later joined the Harvard Business School and was awarded an MBA and recognized as a Baker Scholar there. He worked in the machinery division of Mitsubishi Corporation (in Tokyo and New York) for about 10 years. For about two decades until 2010, he was engaged in consulting as a director at McKinsey & Company. At the consulting firm, he served as the head of the Asian region in the automotive and manufacturing fields and the head of its Japanese branch in the high-tech and communications fields. He has been involved in a wide range of projects in various industries, such as those for next-generation growth strategies and company-wide structural reforms, in Japan, Asia, and the U.S. In June 2010, he assumed the position of professor at the School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University. He concurrently served as an outside director of DENSO Corporation (until 2019) and still serves as an outside director of Fast Retailing Co. Ltd., Ajinomoto Co., Inc., SOMPO Holdings, Inc., and NEC Capital Solutions, Ltd. He also worked as a senior advisor to Boston Consulting Group (until 2016) and still is a senior advisor to Interbrand and Accenture.



Corporate Strategy; Entrepreneurship; DX Management; Corporate Transformation; Global Management;  Creating Shared Value



“I will leverage my vast experience of working as a management consultant, an outside director, a business school professor, etc. to guide students to master the way of thinking and skills which will be effective at the front line of real-world corporate management from various aspects, such as problem solving, innovation, and corporate reforms.”
