


岡本 裕介 教授


コミュニケーションこそが、現代社会の重要なテーマ。 なぜそれほどに大切なのかを、実践学習から学ぶ。


Q: 教員になるまでの先生のご関心の変遷についておたずねします。











趣味は、音楽を聴くことですね。“自然”と言えば、自然の音や都会の騒音のような環境音の作品とか、それをもとにした音楽を聴いたりします。研究室にも、愛聴盤を置いて、たまに休憩するときにパソコンを介して聴いています。 ジャンルは、もともとクラシック音楽が中心でした。ベートーベンやマーラーなどもひと通り聴いてきましたが、今は、現代音楽と古楽を好んで聴いています。

Professor Okamoto Yusuke

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we talked to Professor Okamoto Yusuke of the Department of Psychology about the need to foster communication skills through various “practical projects”.

“Communication is an important theme in today’s society. In my classes, students learn why communication is so important through practical learning.”

An interest in people leads to an interest in sociology, which leads to an interest in social psychology

Q:I would like to ask you about the evolution of your interests before you became a teacher.

I was born in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. When I was in high school, I belonged to the badminton club. From then on, I was interested in literature and philosophy, and often read books by Nietzsche, Natsume Soseki, and Mori Ogai. Eventually, I entered the College of Human Sciences in university. It was a department that covered a very wide range of academic fields, including psychology, sociology, education, philosophy, and cultural anthropology, and was rooted in the philosophy of “thinking about human beings in an interdisciplinary manner.”

When I entered university, I was interested in social psychology, but over the course of my undergraduate program, my interest in communication theory in particular grew, and I pursued that as my research topic in graduate school. In my master’s thesis, I analyzed how people understand rhetorical expressions when they communicate. Since then, I have continued to pursue my research with an interest in rhetoric or, or rather, language.

Q:What research are you working on currently?

I have been teaching students here at our university since 1997. I am working on several research topics in parallel, one of which is “Relationships among People in Satoyama (Traditional Rural Japanese) Communities”. The reason why I was originally interested in satoyama was an extension of my interest in rhetoric and language, which I mentioned earlier. In movies and TV dramas, nature is used to express the emotions of the characters. Lightning and torrential rains are used to express anger and fear, while calm weather is used to express their own associated moods. Nature itself is also given religious meaning, and untouched nature is worshipped in contrast to human technology and culture. So I started researching how people perceive nature and how they express themselves, and went to talk to people who live in satoyama in Japan.

Q:When I think of satoyama, I immediately imagine a traditional, rural place that is rich in nature.

“Satoyama” is a word that is unique to Japanese, and it means both “mountain” and “village”, a place where people live despite nature. Thus, satoyama is not the same as untouched nature, but a concept of nature that closely relates to people’s daily lives and culture. In addition to those who have lived in satoyama for a long time, there are also people who originally lived in the city but moved there, and people who still live in the city but have stayed in satoyama for a long time. When I asked one of them about the appeal of satoyama, he said that in the city, people are trapped in certain relationships and they never encounter anything new, whereas in satoyama, there are always new connections to make and always something new to discover.

In the past, it would have been the countryside where people would find themselves trapped in certain relationships, and it would be in the city that you would meet new people, but according to the people who I spoke to, it was the opposite, which caught my interest. I think it’s a very modern issue that concerns how we fit ourselves into new relationships and perceive things. Even on the Internet, there are various systems to ensure that you are only served information that you like, and on social networking sites, you are networked with people who think the same way that you do, so the information you are exposed to tends to be biased, and that’s a problem.

Also, in satoyama, while there are activities to protect nature and traditional culture, new products and culture are often created within the framework of these activities. Listening to the people involved in these activities, I feel that nature is not only an ancient place to return to, but also something that belongs to the future and is being created now.

Q:What do you hope your students learn?

In my “Practical Project” class in the Psychology Department, students listen to the stories of people who actually live in the satoyama. There is an area called “Ōtsukunami” about 15 minutes from our university by car, and we go there to study it. In the past, agar production thrived in that area, but their way of life has changed with the times. Visit the area on your own and listen carefully to the stories of the locals. It’s not just about passively listening. First it’s important to know what kind of stories to listen to, and if you don’t speak to them about the right things you won’t get a word back.

This is also an opportunity to practice the communication skills that students learn at KUAS. It is a kind of interview, but it is also communication training. Unlike when I was a student, today’s students are repeatedly told that they will be required to have “communication skills” when they go out into the world. So some students seem to have a strong interest in this kind of practical opportunity. They try to devise how to conduct their interviews, and they take it very seriously. I think that our students study hard and are very serious nowadays.

Q:Are you in touch with nature often? What are your hobbies like?

My hobby is listening to music. As far as “being in touch with nature,” I suppose that I listen to music that incorporates or takes cues from environmental sounds, such as the sounds of nature or the noises of the city. I also have a favorite disc in my lab, which I listen to on my computer when I take a break sometimes. My main genre has always been classical music. I have always listened to Beethoven, Mahler, and so on, but nowadays I prefer to listen to both contemporary and “ancient” (prehistoric) music.

Both of these genres may be a little difficult to get into for classical music fans, but for me, they are the best for calming my mind. I get a kind of catharsis from it, and ancient music is simple and soothing. Contemporary music also has a soft, soothing effect when I get into it. Perhaps some people don’t like it because they have never heard it before. There is also contemporary music that is easy to get into.

At any rate, I recommend that you try new musical experiences. If you have the chance, give a listen to American composer Philip Glass.

岡本 裕介 教授おかもと ゆうすけ

人文学部 心理学科

学術修士(大阪大学)。大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科博士後期課程単位取得退学。大阪大学大学院言語文化研究科助手等を経て現職。専門分野は、「コミュニケーション社会学」。担当科目は、「社会調査法」「コミュニケーション社会学」「社会コミュニケーション基礎演習」など。主な研究内容は、「統計学的知識の社会学」「里山コミュニティの関係性」など。 著書に『コミュニケーション社会学入門』、『里山のこころ――新しいつながりを生きる』(いずれも共著)などがある。