


山 愛美 教授


研究と心理臨床を通して心の深層を探る。 それは、我々一人一人の人生も深めてくれる。




















Q: 最近とくに夢中になっているご趣味についておうかがいします。




Professor YAMA Megumi

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we talked to Professor Yama about the process of living together through “holding pain as something important”.

Exploring the depths of the psyche through research and clinical psychology can enrich each of our lives.

Q:How did you become interested in psychology?

It may sound like I’m being flippant when I say this, but actually, I feel more like I was led to psychology, depth psychology by something rather than actively wanting to study it from the beginning. I lived in the U.S. when I was 13 and 14 years old, after which I returned to Japan. I think this experience was a major factor in my interest in culture and the human mind. After returning to Japan, I would say the way of living in general behaviors that Japanese people consider natural did not feel that way to me. In that sense, I often felt uncomfortable with Japanese society and the mentality of the Japanese people. I used to feel that I didn’t understand why they think and behave in that way without doubt in my school days. I have a sensation at times, as if I have two different selves within my: one is the Westernized one raised in the US and the other is a Japanese one. That my body was a vessel for two people: one that was Japanese, and one that was raised in the United States. Being Japanese may not be something that other Japanese people are consciously aware of, but once I saw Japan from the outside at a sensitive age, I became very cognizant of who I was.

In high school, I took science courses because I liked mathematics and biology. However, I have always loved reading books since I was a child, and I often read Western children’s literature and novels. In particular, Herman Hesse’s “Demian” seems to have had a special meaning for me. This experience may have been the starting point for my interest not only in the human mind, but also in the meaning of human life itself.

Later, when I entered university, I met Professor Hayao Kawai, who was a prominent depth psychologist and that was a great experience for me. I was touched by his lectures, writings, and above all, his “way of being,” and as I learned more about him, I began my journey into the deeper waters of depth psychology, especially Jungian psychology and clinical psychology.

Q:What kind of research do you specialize in in particular?

For me, clinical practice as a psychotherpist and research are just like two wheels on a cart, and the origin of my research is always in my interest of “the way we humans live” as seen through my experience in clinical practice. My current research theme is difficult to explain in brief words, but it involves exploring the depths of the human psyche through stories, paintings and other forms of art, and dreams, and to think about the meaning of the expressions contained within these things and concepts.

I worked 13 years at University of Art and Design before coming to this university, and the discussions I had with students who were engaged in creative activities on a daily basis gave me a great opportunity to think about these things.

A creative process by which one sinks deep inside of one’s inner world and pick up images from there making them into artworks has something to do with the all encompassing wisdom that touches the root of human existence. It is different from the knowledge in general. I called it “Wisdom in formative process”. Some of my students were confronting the deepest parts of their own psyche and creating works of art out of their suffering. As I watched this process, I began to think about the psychological significance of creating art and stories.

For example, Haruki Murakami has undergone the equivalent of self-psychotherapy by descending into the depths of his own psyche through the creation of stories, and Yasuo Kazetsu, a painter, is engagnig in deep psychological work when he was exploring the way how he could express his experience in the concentration camp in Siberia through his paintings. My studies are an extension of these explorations.

Furthermore, through my comparative cultural studies in creative work, I have made it another pillar of my research to think about Japanese spirituality and Japanese psychotherapy from the perspective of “depth” psychology and clinical psychology, and I am making efforts to disseminate the results overseas.

Q:It seems like your research is not a simple matter of “understanding the human mind”.

There are many different approaches to psychotherapy, but I value the invisible, the unspoken, and the pre-verbal.This is similar to what is happening during the creative process in art. However, the more I learn about the human mind, the more I come to realize that I don’t understand it.

For example, let’s say there is a person who is sufferring from something. I don’t really think of my work as “saving” them, and I don’t have the image of removing something harmful, like a surgeon. Rather, I value the process of how that person lives with their problems and pain, and I would like to devote my energy to “just being there” with them.

I believe that the experience of “touching” and responding to the heart is very important in psychotherapy, and I think we may be able to have a similar experience when we look at the world expressed in stories and paintings with overlapping their(writers’ and painters’) own lives.

Q:Do you have any words you would like to share with your students?

Novels, children’s literature, animated films, movies, paintings―it doesn’t matter what it is, I would like you to find something that you really like. Then, try to get inside the characters and the author’s mind, and experience their lives from the inside, and become interested in the human mind and the human experience. People have many different ways of feeling and thinking, and many different ways of living. I think it is important to have a natural and spontaneous motivation to be interested in people’s minds and lives through something you really like, and to want to learn more about them. I think that this can allow you to learn much more about psychotherapy than if you are forced to read such a book as an introductory book on psychotherapy or clinical psychology.

For example, in previous graduation projects, my students have approached psychology through children’s literature, Moomin, Disney works, novels, and myths, and each of them had interesting insights.

Immerse yourself in a story. Then, try to express what you feel about it in your own words. I think that this is an amazing experience that will surely enrich your life in the future. If my students remember my seminars ten or twenty years from now, I would be very happy.

Q:Please tell what you are particularly interested in these days.

Although it is not something that I have become interested very recently, my father was an anatomist who loved literature and art, especially history. He intended to become a clinician, but chose to become a scholar because he was attracted to an anatomist who had a deep knowledge of literature. I think my father influenced me in no small way to value intellectual curiosity from a very young age. He taught me the joy of reading, for examlpe. I can also thank him for my interest in art and music. I used to like classics of course, but recently I find contemporary art particularly interesting. It doesn’t really matter if the artist is famous or not. I like to look at a work of art and think about the life of the artist, and contemplate what they are expressing through their works.

I also like to listen to classical music. I play the piano myself, although my piano mostly gathers dust at home these days, unfortunately. I enjoy the opera as well, and I feel like I get a lot of energy when I see a live opera at the theater.

When I go abroad for work, I usually like to walk around the city alone and get to know how local people live. It fills me with a sense that everyone is doing their best to live their own lives in their own way.

山 愛美 教授やま めぐみ

人文学部 心理学科

京都市生まれ。教育学博士。京都大学大学院教育学研究科博士後期課程修了。専門分野は、深層心理学、臨床心理学。著書『村上春樹、方法としての小説』『香月泰男 黒の創造』『言葉の深みへ』他。欧米の英文の書籍への分担執筆も多い。担当科目は、心理学概論、深層心理学、実習、演習など。大学院では、心理面接特論、演習、実習などを担当。2002年日本心理臨床学会奨励賞受賞。