


鈴木 ひとみ 准教授













滋賀医科大学修士課程在学中からミシガン大学看護学部教授 Denise Saint Arnault PhD.との共同研究「文化と女性の研究プロジェクト」に取り組んでいます。これは東京医療保健大学和歌山看護学部の畑下博世教授が長年中心になって進めておられる研究で、在日外国人の女性が異文化の中でどのようなストレスを受け、どのように対処しているのか、ということを体系的に明らかにしていくというものです。






Associate Professor Hitomi Suzuki

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we interviewed Associate Professor Hitomi Suzuki, a nursing science specialist in the Department of Nursing of the KUAS Faculty of Health and Medicine.

Nursing care for people with disabilities and difficulties

Q:What kind of childhood did you have?

I was an elementary school student who loved to read “Home Medicine”, a book that every family had at least one copy of. At that time, I did not have a concrete image of what I wanted to be, such as a doctor or a nurse. However, when I became a member of the health committee in junior high school and wrote about proper hand washing and gargling in the health bulletin, I began to think that I wanted to learn more about human health. So I decided to become a nurse when I was in junior high school. When I was in school, there was no subject that I was particularly good at, but I was aware that I was studying the subjects necessary to become a nurse. I went on to Kyoto City College of Nursing, and after studying nursing for three years, I started working at Kyoto City Hospital.

Q:So, your longsought dream of becoming a nurse came true?

That’s right. The first ward I was assigned to was the orthopedic ward. It was a ward where patients underwent surgery due to traffic accidents or bone and joint diseases. Some of the patients had spinal cord injuries that left them paralyzed. I was a member of the orthopedic surgery department for four years, and then moved to the gastroenterology and cardiology departments to gain experience for a total of ten years.

Q:How did you go from clinical practice to becoming a researcher?

In fact, from the time I joined Kyoto City Hospital, I was allowed to participate in the research of Professor Nishida Naoko, who is now a university professor. It was there that I learned the importance of summarizing phenomena in the field from a research perspective and publishing it.

In orthopedics, there are many diseases that can be cured by surgery, but there are also cases such as spinal cord injuries, where patients are paralyzed in an accident and have to live in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. One might imagine that such patients are in a state of despair, but instead, they learn about their bodies, make friends, and start playing sports, etc. This is why I chose the path of a researcher.

So, even though I was transferred to a different department, I still wanted to systematize how people with spinal cord injuries face and overcome physical and social challenges. I have been working on this as my main research theme since 2005, so it has been more than 15 years now.

Q:So your master’s thesis was on disability in people with spinal injuries?

In my master’s course, under the theme of “Reconsidering the Meaning of Disability for People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Phenomenological Perspective,” I researched whether medical professionals are not imposing “acceptance of disability” on people who have irreversible disabilities due to sudden accidents, etc., and what kind of events happen to these people and how they view their lives. I have been researching what happens to these people, how they perceive and live with their disability, and what medical professionals can do at to help them.

Currently, as a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Medicine at Shiga University of Medical Science, I am researching a method of detecting the need to urinate using biometric information to prevent secondary disabilities caused by the inability of people with spinal cord injuries to sense when they need to go to the bathroom. I received a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C) for three years from 2011 under the theme of “Research on Evaluation of Autonomic Nervous System Function and Support for Social Life of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Using a Micro Body Movement Detection System” and am compiling the results of my experiments.

Nursing science is still a young discipline. I would like to clarify what is necessary and what methods are most appropriate to provide better care to patients, while engaging in nursing research, and to give back to the clinical field.

Q:I heard that you are also provide care for a foreign woman living in Japan.

Since I was a master’s student at Shiga University of Medical Science, I have been working on the “Culture and Women Research Project” in collaboration with Professor Denise Saint Arnault, PhD. This is a research project led by Professor Hatashita Hiroyo of the Faculty of Nursing at Tokyo Healthcare University in Wakayama.

The genesis of this research was an incident in which a Japanese woman living in Michigan drowned her own child due to stress while accompanying her husband on an overseas assignment. This is an unthinkable action for an American, so why didn’t the Japanese woman call out for help? From the perspective of psychiatric nursing, an investigation was conducted to understand the temperament of Japanese women. The reverse is also true, and in this study, we are conducting questionnaires and interviews with foreign women living in Japan in order to clarify what kind of problems they are facing while living in Japan, and to examine how to provide care for these community members.

Q:Do you have a message for your students?

Right now, you may not know what you are good at yet. However, I hope you will cherish what you have become interested in. Students often say to me, “I didn’t think school life in the nursing department would be so hard. I think I’m not suited for nursing.” But you don’t know if you are suited to nursing or not until about three years after you enter the workforce.

Particularly in the nursing department, since it is directly related to the profession, many people quit when they feel that it is not for them and that there is no point in continuing their studies. However, nursing is a study that is worth acquiring. Nowadays, nurses can be found not only in hospitals, but also in nursing homes, daycare centers, clinics, research positions, and public health offices. It is also possible to start a home nursing station. There is still a great need for this profession in society. As long as your interest continues, I hope that you will try to obtain a national nursing license.

Q:What do you like to do in your off time?

When you start one thing, it lasts for a long time. When I was in school, I was a member of the basketball team for a long time, and I continued to play for 10 years, from mini-basketball in elementary school to junior college. What I have been doing since then is something related to flowers. I was instructed in Ikenobo by a teacher of the flower arrangement club when I was in junior college for more than 10 years. I have also studied flower arrangement since I was an active nurse and am qualified to teach classes. I have also worked in various places doing wedding bouquets, arrangements, and venue decorations. Now, I only decorate my laboratory occasionally, but fresh flowers always give me a lot of energy.

My current diversion is to play with my Shiba Inu. We lost our previous Labrador when we were preparing for the opening of the nursing department, and the following year we got a boy Shiba Inu. I use his picture as a break image in my lectures, so he has become a familiar face to my students. Flowers and dogs cannot speak, but they are important living things that have the power to warm the hearts of others.

鈴木 ひとみ 准教授すずき ひとみ

健康医療学部 看護学科

修士(看護学)。 京都市立病院 看護師、京都府看護専修学校 専任教員、京都桂看護専門学校 専任教員、神戸常盤大学保健科学部看護学科 講師、京都学園大学健康医療学部看護学科設置準備室 講師を経て現職。専門分野は「基礎看護学」。担当科目は「看護体験実習」「ヘルスアセスメント」「基礎看護学実習」など。