


丸田 博之 特任教授


言語史料に記された、鮮やかな言葉。 そこにこそ、本当の、生きた歴史がある。
























Professor HIROSHI Maruta

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we talked to Professor Maruta Hiroshi, an expert on Japanese language and Kyoto culture, about the deep history of the Kyoto dialect and Kyoto, the place that formed the basis of the modern Japanese language.

Vivid words written in language archives. This is where true, living history is found.

Q:You have always been a student of literature, haven’t you? Were you also a man of literature when you were young?

I was born and raised in Kyoto City, but I also spent a short time at a university in Tokyo. After that, I entered the Faculty of Letters at a university in Kyoto again, and went on to graduate school, where I continued my research in the field of Japanese linguistics.

To explain what kind of research this is, it is a study that faithfully traces the changes in the Japanese language based on linguistic historical documents. Although I have always been a student of literature, I was never a literary youth. Among the categories of literature, I have been particularly interested in “words”.

In retrospect, it seems that I was greatly influenced by my mother. My mother was a genuine Kyoto native, and she was particularly picky about the way we used words. For example, when I was watching TV as a child, I remember being bothered by the Kansai words used in dramas. Even though the story was set in Kyoto, the language used was not the real Kyoto dialect. In addition, I felt that the character of the Kyoto people and the character of the land were somehow portrayed in a wrong way.

So, I started down this research path with the intention of verifying these things correctly by examining historical linguistic documents, one by one.

Q:So yours is a study of the evolution of the Japanese language based on a variety of linguistic documents?

For example, “aho” and “baka” are often thought to be ancient Japanese words, but they are actually foreign words. So, what were the original Japanese words for “fool”? It would be “tawake” or “utsuke”. Of course, it was the same in Kyoto. “Tawake” and so on aren’t just Nagoya slang. In addition, the word “arigato” used when expressing gratitude is was not “arigato” or even “ookini”. “Ookini” is a matter of degree of feeling. To explain using English as an example, “ookini” does not mean “thank you” but rather it means “very much.” Therefore, “ookini” by itself is actually insufficient as an acknowledgment.

In Kyoto, “thank you” was is actually “katajikenai”. This was not just a word used by samurai in historical dramas, but it is also an authentic Kyoto word. It was not until much later that people started to say “Arigato.

The textbooks on the history of the Japanese language have not written about this. However, it is written in the historical documents of the language that describe the reality.

Language is a living thing. They clearly reflect the minds and cultures of the people who lived in that era, as well as their customs and manners as they were.

Q:What kind of historical documents are available to help us understand the history of language?

There are many documents that describe the language of the time period that we use for our research. For example, in the Muromachi period (1336-1573), there are scripts of Kyogen plays, in which the spoken language of the time is vividly recorded.
There is also a precious document called “The Japanese-Portugese Dictionary,” which shows that there were many Portuguese people living in Kyoto around the year 1600, as there were “Nanban Temples” (Churches) all over the city. There were also nobles, samurai and priests who converted to Christianity.
This dictionary, which was probably compiled through the cooperation of highly educated Japanese and Portuguese from the advanced cultural sphere of Western Europe, contains about 30,000 words of Japanese written in the latin alphabet. The “standard” Japanese dialect of the time, Kyoto Dialect, as well as Kyushi Dialect, as well as a range of topics such as culture and customs are all condensed into this one book. In other words, this single dictionary is a “living cultural map” of that time, and a linguistic almanac of the Muromachi period, making it a real treasure. Since this dictionary is still freely available, it is like a treasure trove of historical information, and it is a book that should be more widely known.

Q:It seems very meaningful to learn about this subject in Kyoto.

The significance of studying in Kyoto is great. Since the Heian period (794-1185), the language of Kyoto has formed the core of the Japanese language, from whence it spread to other regions. In addition to language, Kyoto has been a leader in politics, economy, culture, traditional industries and performing arts from the Heian period (794-1185) to the present day, and since the Meiji period (1868-1912), it has also been a leader in the entertainment and film industries.

I believe that joining a university in Kyoto and learning about Kyoto and the history of Kyoto’s language is, in a sense, a way to deeply understand the whole of Japan. It is completely different from studies where you only memorize textbooks. I hope that students will follow their own curiosity, deepen their experiences and observations, and broaden their scope of interests. I can assure you that Kyoto is the best “stage” in Japan for this. Together, let’s shed more light on the history of the Kyoto Dialect and delve even deeper. There, we will discover the true Japanese language and, by extension, the true form of Japan.

Q:What are your other interests besides language and history?

I like all kinds of music. I’m an omnivore, not just any particular genre. I enjoy a wide range of music from classical to “enka”.

At first, I used to listen to classical music records that we had at home. I love Beethoven’s piano sonatas and violin concertos. Then, when I was a student, I listened to the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and Kansai folk music. I sometimes sing along.

Macaroni Western movie music is also good. I can also sing along in Italian. I can even sing the pop songs of current popular idol groups (laughs).

It’s not just that “songs come and go,” but that “words come and go,” too. Even if you can’t see it on the surface of the media we consume, behind it there are people who lived in the time when those words and ideas were created. I want to continue to open my heart to the ideas those people had.

丸田 博之 特任教授まるた ひろし

人文学部 歴史文化学科
