


細野 裕希 准教授






















Associate Professor Yuki Hosono

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher”, we interviewed Yuki Hosono, an associate professor of the Department of Health and Sports in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, who specializes in coaching studies, exercise physiology, and neurophysiology, and is also the coach of our university’s soccer team.

Mastering the art of soccer coaching through exercise theory

Q:What were you like as a child?

As a child, I immersed myself in soccer in order to become a professional player. When I was a high school student, I was unable to participate in matches and wondered how I could improve my skills when I came across a novel called “Parasite Eve,” which was very popular at the time and had a strong impact on me. It was a fictional novel about the cell’s energy production apparatus “mitochondria” running wild. Since I had come to a standstill with soccer, I was fascinated with the idea of an unknown entity that could enhance people’s abilities and so I chose to pursue molecular biology as my specialty.

Q:You graduated from university and have been working for a while?

After graduating from university, I started working as an MR for a pharmaceutical company. However, I did not like the idea of working in sales and I wanted to study “coordination training,” which is a motor control theory. So, I contacted Hideo Araki, the coach of Tokushima University’s soccer team, and began attending graduate school at Tokushima University. After completing my master’s degree, to further my knowledge of motor control, I conducted research on neurophysiology, including how to ease Parkinson’s disease symptoms through magnetic stimulation, at the Faculty of Medical Science and Education at Tokushima University where I received my doctoral degree. Later, when I started working as a lecturer at a university in Kansai, I was allowed to take data from the university soccer team in order to continue my main research on motor control and motor skill learning ability. By putting theory into practice and verifying it through measurement, I researched the effects of training (which vary greatly from person to person), the mechanisms behind them, and the optimal training methods.

Q:What are your main research themes?

My main themes are coordination ability and skill learning.

Coordination ability is a theory proposed by Bernstein, a former Soviet physiologist, which focuses on the control of movement, especially the need to change existing movements in order to learn new movement patterns. This change is known as “plasticity” and it is essential in order to guarantee coordination ability. It is well known that it is difficult to maintain sufficient quality of movement when encountering complex situations for movements learned through simple repetitive practice, but we are working to solve this problem in a practical way.
Currently, the main focus of my research is about what role coordination ability plays in when learning skills.

Q:Do you still play soccer?

In addition to my research, I continued to play soccer and futsal until 2017. In Tokushima, I was both a player and coach of a futsal team. We were part of the “F Challenge League”, where teams aim to join the professional “F-League”. Unfortunately, the team was disbanded before we could join the league.

Q:You have been coaching the soccer team at our university since July 2019?

Yes, that’s right. I hope to contribute to the improvement of the team’s technical skills by incorporating “coordination training” into my coaching. The movements used in soccer themselves can be improved to some extent through repetitive practice and other training, but there is a limit to how much these methods can help. For example, dribbling is not only a matter of speed. It is possible to improve your technique by controlling your pace. So, you need the ability to change pace to be able to control the rhythm at which you dribble, which is where we can encourage rapid growth in players through coaching. However, when it comes to strength training many students are below-average, so I think the first priority is for them to increase their output and improve their basic physical strength. After improving their basic strength, I would like to use coordination training to teach them how and where they can improve.

Q:Please tell us about your hobbies and interests, and what you were passionate about when you were a university student.

My hobbies are soccer, futsal, and strength training. As I mentioned earlier, my hobbies have become a part of my work and lifestyle. I continue to do strength training because I still want to play soccer with the students. I’m not going to let them beat me yet!

Q:Do you have a message for the students?

I hope that the students will do the best they can right now. The things you work hard on now will definitely be useful sometime in your future. Looking back on my life so far, because I immersed myself in soccer and coordination, I can now make use of those past experiences in my role as a soccer coach at our university. You just have to do what you can at that time. Eventually, there will come a time when you will see the dots start to connect and come together to form a line.

細野 裕希 准教授ほその ゆうき

健康医療学部 健康スポーツ学科

博士(医学)。所属学会は「日本体育学会」「日本フットボール学会」。徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部 学術研究員、NPO法人徳島RAPAZスポーツクラブ コーチ、立命館大学共通教育推進機構 講師(嘱託)を経て現職。専門分野は「コーチング学」「神経生理学」。担当科目は「健康スポーツ指導方法論」「体力測定評価論」「体力測定評価論」等。