


佐々木 政文 准教授
























Professor Sasaki Masaya

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we spoke with modern Japanese history specialist SASAKI Masaya from the Department of Japanese History and Cultural Studies in the Faculty of Humanities.

Revealing Human Nature in the Face of Discrimination

Q:What were you like as a child?

When I was little, I wanted to be a philosopher. I had a strong desire to learn about the nature of human beings, and I was not really interested in history. Therefore, when I read historical manga, I was more interested in the characters, such as Buddha, than in history, and wondered as a child what it would be like to be “enlightened.”

Q:When did you first become interested in history?

On September 11, 2001, when I was in the first year of junior high school, the terrorist attacks in New York City triggered my interest in the movements of society as a whole, and my interest shifted to world history, which is related to world affairs. However, in my third year of high school, as I was sorting out my interests before entering university, I became interested in the history of ideas. This was because I realized that this discipline was close to my childhood interests of psychology and philosophy, and was also related to social affairs. I had been studying world history and Japanese history at the same time, but after entering university, I began to focus on Japanese history.

Q:After leaving graduate school, you worked as a high school teacher for a while, is that right?

That’s right. I was a rather gloomy person who was interested in history and philosophy, but somehow I liked teaching others. It is often said, “If you can’t explain something to others, you don’t understand it yourself.” In my case, I guess it suited my style to learn by teaching others. After leaving graduate school, I started working as a geography and history teacher at a high school in Saitama Prefecture, since I had already obtained a teaching license. I worked at the high school for three years, but unless I was very creative, the time I could devote to research was limited to about 30 minutes a day. Feeling the limitations of conducting research as a high school teacher, I shifted my focus to university teaching.

Q:What kind of research have you done so far?

My research topic is “The Interrelationship between Religion and Discrimination in Japan in the First Half of the 20th Century”. Now and then, and in any country or region, people who seek to eliminate social discrimination often have strong religious convictions. Therefore, when we try to think about the roots of people’s efforts to eliminate discrimination, we end up with the history of religion. However, religions have also developed over a long period of time while coexisting with secular societies, and it is not uncommon for them to promote social discrimination in some cases.

When I was in my fourth year of university, I realized the importance of this when I learned that many of the Marxists who were suppressed by the Security Law in the pre-war period of the Showa era came to strongly believe in Jodo Shinshu afterwards. At that time, they were branded as criminals by the state and were severely excluded from Japanese society. Therefore, I decided to study the relationship between Jodo Shinshu and the Buraku people in graduate school, and compiled my master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation based on this research.

Q:What kind of research are you doing now?

I am now considering what meanings prostitution held to Christians in modern Japan. The movement to free these women from prostitution was called the prostitution abolition movement. It is known that many Christians were involved in this movement, and I would like to take the time to read through the newspapers and magazines of the past in order to clarify what kind of ideas they had.

Q:What would you like to emphasize in your research?

The Bible says, “Men should not hire a prostitute, nor should they allow their daughters to prostitute themselves, but to those who are deeply sorry for their sins, the way of salvation through God will be opened.” Therefore, in the minds of Christians, the idea that “those who are actually prostituting themselves are foolish and unaware of their own sins, so we must show them the teachings of the Bible so that they will repent their sins and be saved. However, this idea also leads to the idea that women who are forced into prostitution for various reasons are beneath us and that we should spurn them. In this way, it is not clear whether Christianity has played a role in defending women’s human rights or, on the contrary, in denying them. I feel it is necessary to consider this as a historical issue.

Q:How do you hope to contribute to society through your research?

Above all, I would like to conduct research that can reach the hearts of people who are hurting. The structure of modern society is so complex that it is very difficult to recognize discrimination. For example, in modern relationships, men and women are supposed to be equal and men are not supposed to look down on women. However, in reality, there are so many women who want men to confess their love or propose to them. In a society where men and women are truly equal, this should not happen. In today’s society, discrimination is hidden in plain sight, and it is still a source of invisible suffering for many. In order to survive in such a society, we need to be able to see discrimination for what it is, and I believe that knowledge of history is a prerequisite for this.

Q:Please tell us about your personal life and hobbies

My current hobby is watching idols. My main interest lies in the activities of Keyakizaka 46, which has been sending out vivid, youthful messages for about five years alongside its successor troupe, Sakurazaka 46. For example, their messages of anti-violence and self-love would not be taken seriously by anyone if expressed in words by someone like me, but these idols has succeeded in visually expressing them through their dance performances. I believe that the historical significance of this is not small.

By the way, my hobby until I was in college was listening to classical music. CDs were still the mainstream at that time, and I was very particular about the audio equipment I used to enjoy music. However, the number of CDs I owned increased so much that I could no longer manage them, and at some point I stopped buying them. Nowadays, I can listen to most of my songs through streaming services, which is a great help.

Q:What message would you like to share with students?

First of all, I would like them to research the past and its events and people until all of their questions are answered. But, don’t stop there. I want those students to become able to explain to others why you’re interested in it and what it means to them. This process can dramatically improve your thinking and expression skills.

佐々木 政文 准教授ささき まさや

人文学部 歴史文化学科

博士(文学)。所属学会は「日本史研究会」「歴史学研究会」「日本思想史学会」等。埼玉県公立高等学校 教諭、東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科博士課程を経て現職。専門分野は「日本近現代史」。担当科目は「アカデミック・ライティングⅠ・Ⅱ」「歴史学特殊講義(近現代)A・B(隔年開講)」「古文書購読Ⅱ」等。