


Martin SERA 講師

今回の「先生に聞いてみた」では、ドイツ出身で数学、数理科学がご専門の工学部機械電気システム工学科のMartin SERA講師にお話を伺いました。














複素幾何学は、複素数に基づいた幾何学構造の研究を表しています。このような構造で簡単な例を用いると、球 (ボールの表面) またはトーラス (ドーナツの表面) が該当します。これら2つの例の違いは単純です。球にはトーラスのような穴がありません。しかし、これは、例えば、素粒子物理のひも理論に見られるような、より複雑な構造では、容易に区別できません。まずは、このような一般的な構造 (いわゆる複素多様体) を理解し、分類していくことが、複素幾何学における研究の主なゴールとなります。




「滑らかなエルミート計量」とは、曲線の長さを測定するツールです。これは便利で、2点間を結ぶ最短の曲線の情報から幾何学的な構造が良く分かるのです。球では、最短曲線は大円 (球面の中心を通る平面で切った時にできる切り口) 上にあることがわかります。このように、球やトーラスは3次元空間内の構造であり、曲線の長さを容易に計算できます。しかし、もっと複雑な構造を考える場合、これらは必ずしも空間の中にはめ込めません。実際、これはひも理論において非常に多くの問題を引き起こしています。従って、任意の複雑な構造上の曲線の長さを測定できるようにエルミート計量を用いています。

















Junior Associate Professor Martin Sera

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we interviewed Associate Professor Martin SERA from Germany, who specializes in mathematics and mathematical sciences at the Faculty of Engineering’s Department of Mechanical and Electrical Systems Engineering.

 A short insight into mathematics

Q:When did you realize you were interested in mathematics and science?

When I was nine or ten years old, I realized I liked mathematics very much.

Q:I have heard that you studied complex analysis in university. What is that?

Yes. From my very first year of undergraduate studies, I got interested in Complex Analysis. Within Mathematics, Complex Analysis is an important area that is applied in other areas of Mathematics, Physics, Engineering etc. I started to conduct research properly for my master’s thesis and continued to work in this area for my PhD studies (both at the University of Wuppertal, Germany) and a post doc in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Q:What were your reasons for coming to Japan, and when did you first come?

I came to Japan two years ago when I started working at KUAS. Before that, I had had the opportunity to visit Japan many times for research cooperation in addition to some private trips. There are not many researchers in the world working in my research area. Yet, there are many Japanese among them and the field is pretty active here. Therefore, I had been considering working in Japan for a long time.

Q:Please tell us about your area of specialization.

To be precise, my research interests involve something called Complex Geometry, which is the study of complex manifolds and vector bundles. In this area of study, my focus was on singularities, which I studied through complex spaces and sheaves.

Q:What is complex geometry?

Complex geometry is the study of geometric structures based on complex numbers. Simple examples of such structures are the sphere (that is, the surface of a ball) or the torus (the surface of a doughnut). One easily spots the difference between these two examples: the sphere does not have a hole like the torus. However, this is not easy for more complicated structures that can be found in String theory, for example. The understanding and classification of such general structures (so-called “complex manifolds”) is the main goal of Complex Geometry.

Q:What areas of these studies do you wish to emphasize?

Recently, I am working on a project which is supported by a Kakenhi grant. Smooth Hermitian metrics are crucial tools in Complex Geometry, as they are used to characterize the curvature of complex manifolds. Unfortunately, this does not work for all manifolds. Therefore, my project aims to extend such characterizations by using singular Hermitian metrics in combination with so-called generalized Monge Ampère products.

Q:What is Hermitian metric?

A Hermitian metric is a tool to measure the length of curves. This is useful as information about the shortest available curve between two points tells us a lot about the geometry. On a sphere, we know that these are on great circles (a cut made by a plane through the centre of a sphere). Thereby, the sphere and torus are structures in space, and we can easily compute the length of curves. Yet, if we consider more complicated structures, then these are not necessarily in space. This is what causes so many problems in string theory. Therefore, we use Hermitian metrics so that we might measure the length of curves on arbitrarily complicated structures.

Q:In the future, how would you like to give back to society through your current research?

As is often the case in fundamental research, my current research aims to improve scientific theories and develop new methods of analysis that will have an impact on society.
By starting collaborations with my colleagues in the near future, I am looking forward to contributing to their research with the mentioned theoretical expertise.

Q:What kind of research does joint basic research fall under?

There are many possibilities. Let me pick just one example: computer simulations to understand the thermodynamics of materials and their electromagnetic behaviour. These are needed to develop better and more efficient devices such as power modules.

Q:Did you decide then that you would spend your life studying math? What attracted you to it? 

Yes. For me, mathematics is very clear and if you just follow some simple rules, then you can understand very complicated concepts. Unlike literature, you can answer questions very clearly.

Q:Dr. Sera, are you going to teach the advanced mathematics classes?

Yes, starting this semester I teach lectures on advanced mathematics, for example, about ordinary differential equations.

Q:It seems to me that advanced mathematics are very difficult to understand. What message would you like to share with students who might feel the same way?

That is right. My message is that they should not be afraid. Math is always difficult at the beginning and looks unsolvable. Take some time and try to understand, you will get it eventually, which can be very rewarding. I will try to help my students as much as possible.

Q:If you don’t mind, please tell us a bit about your private life and your hobbies.

My hobbies are photography, city trips and their combination.

Q:Under COVID-19, it is not so easy to travel, but what places have you enjoyed most in Japan that you have visited so far?

I very fondly remember Miyajima. There is a torii in the sea that you can walk up to when the tide is low. Nothing like it exists in Germany.

Martin SERA 講師マーティン ゼラ

工学部 機械電気システム工学科

博士 (Dr. rer. nat.)。所属学会は「日本数学」「European Mathematical Society (ヨーロッパ数学会)」。ヴッパータール大学数学自然科学部数学情報学科大学院研究助手、ヴッパータール大学数学自然科学部数学情報学科ポストドクターリサーチアシスタント、チャルマース工科大学およびヨーテボリ大学数理科学専攻ポストドクター客員研究員(ドイツ研究振興協会による支援)、チャルマース工科大学およびヨーテボリ大学数理科学専攻ポストドクター研究員(ヴァレンベリ財団による支援)を経て現職。専門分野は「数学」「数理科学」。担当科目は「常微分方程式」「ベクトル解析」「フーリエ解析と偏微分方程式」等。