


瀧本 真己 准教授























Junior Associate Professor Takimoto Masaki

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher”, we interviewed Takimoto Masaki, an  Associate Professor of the Department of the Health and Sports Sciences, who specializes in exercise physiology and biochemistry.

The relationship between exercise and brain function for preventing dementia

Q:What were your school days like?

When I was a student, I spent most of my time playing basketball in my school’s basketball club. I think our team was relatively strong. When I retired from club activities in my last year of high school, I still wanted to continue playing basketball at a higher level. Because I wanted to attend a university with a basketball team, and learn about the human body, which I had always been interested in, I focused on applying to national universities in Kansai.

Q:So you chose Osaka Kyoiku University because it has a basketball team and it’s a place where you can learn about the human body.

When I entered university and joined the basketball club, I found that no matter how much I practiced I could not compete with my teammates who had participated in national tournaments in high school. I have always been the type of person who is dedicated to sports and works hard. I always believed that anyone could improve if they practice long enough, but I still lost out in the competition for a regular position. It was a setback, so to speak. When I was in college, I was constantly thinking about how I could beat my rivals. Then, as I was learning how to increase my explosiveness and investigating ways to increase my muscle mass, I started to research more about the mechanisms that enhance athletic performance.

To be honest, most of us were likely to become teachers in the future because we were in the education department. When I was in my third year of university, I realized that even if I became a teacher, if all I could do was force students to practice longer and work harder like some kind of military exercise, I could hardly call that sports instruction. I realized that it would be even more pointless to make students go through what I did and that’s when I started to consider graduate school as a way to really understand the human body and become able to properly teach students about how it works.

Q:What kind of research did you do in graduate school?

When I was a graduate student, researched the effects of transient exercises on the expression of monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) in the brain and skeletal muscles. The cell membrane contains a membrane protein called MCT, and lactic acid is transported in and out of the cell via the MCT. We conducted a study with rats to see if a single exercise session could increase MCT in the skeletal muscles and brain. I decided to research this topic because I was interested in lactic acid.

In the past, there was a belief that lactic acid caused exhaustion and that we get fatigued because of the accumulation of lactic acid in our muscles. When I learned that this is not true and that lactic acid is actually used as an energy source for exercise, I realized that it is important to not only have surface knowledge, but also a deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Therefore, when I did my own research, I tried to examine not only the phenomena of exercise, but also the mechanisms. In this study, I examined the molecular mechanisms of exercise-induced increases in MCT. The research itself was fun, but I had never done any laboratory experiments as an undergraduate, so I had a hard time learning the knowledge and techniques of biochemistry at first.

Q:What kind of research are you doing now?

My current research is about whether energy substrates such as lactic acid and ketone bodies increase the benefits of exercise for the brain. In my research as a graduate student, I showed that a single bout of exercise increases the MCTs in the brain. Next, I would like to clarify the effects of increased MCTs, so I am focusing my research on the lactic acid and ketones transported by MCTs. Lactic acid and ketone bodies have been reported in previous studies to improve brain function, so we believe that exercise can increase the MCTs in the brain and transport more lactic acid and ketone bodies, thereby increasing the benefits to the brain.
Specifically, we are working on research themes such as whether training with reduced brain glycogen levels can improve MCT expression and cognitive function in the brain, and whether training with ketone bodies can prevent or improve cognitive decline caused by diabetes.

Q:Could you tell us specifically what areas of your research you would like to bring attention to?

I am interested in the effects of exercise on the brain. The effects of exercise on skeletal muscle have been well documented by many researchers. Therefore, training methods for skeletal muscles have been established to some extent for different purposes. On the other hand, there are many things about the brain that are still unclear because, unlike skeletal muscles, it controls many functions and the effects of exercise vary depending on the brain region. When I found that one bout of exercise increased the MCT of the brain, I became very interested in the fact that exercise can train not only skeletal muscles but also the brain. The topic of what parts of your brain can be trained by the way in which you exercise is fascinating. There may be the impression that athletes train their skeletal muscles, but I believe that training the brain will become more important in the future. I hope to be able to work on research that will provide the basis for that.

Q:If MCTs can help prevent dementia, this research will overturn conventional wisdom.

Yes, that’s right. Although my research field does not have immediate applications in society or in sports, by clarifying the roles and the metabolism of substrates such as lactic acid and ketone bodies, I believe that we can contribute to improving people’s health. In an aging society, maintaining and improving skeletal muscle and brain function is extremely important. I believe that our research results can contribute to the decision-making process when considering how we exercise and what we eat. Health information in particular varies from highly reliable to very untrustworthy, and incorrect information is often spread to the general public. Based on my own research experience, I would like to contribute to the improvement of people’s literacy toward health information. I would like to help increase the number of people who can think for themselves and calmly judge whether or not information on TV and the Internet is reliable, rather than just believing it without question.

Q:Please tell me about your private life. Tell us about your hobbies, interests, and what you were into during your time in undergraduate student.

As I mentioned earlier, my passion during university was basketball. I spent a lot of time training and shooting hoops in between classes as well as before and after basketball practice. I loved the idea of devoting myself to one sport, and my sense of worth was based on how much time I spent on basketball. It was around that time that I started to watch NBA games on TV a lot. Back then, there were free broadcasts on satellite television in the middle of the night, so I would record them or watch them after I came home from practice. Now I watch fewer matches, but I still check related news and highlights.

Q:Do you have a message for the students?

I want you to study what you are interested in. Of course, you could choose where to go for higher education for the purpose of getting a job you admire, but I would rather you be honest about your interests. If you are interested in coaching, for example, even if you have no previous experience in sports, I think you will have a more enjoyable time in university if you choose your department according to your interests without limiting your possibilities.

瀧本 真己 准教授たきもと まさき

健康医療学部 健康スポーツ学科

博士(スポーツ科学)。所属学会は「日本体力医学会」「日本体育学会」「日本運動生理学会」。大阪医科大学 非常勤講師、京都栄養医療専門学校 非常勤講師、大阪体育大学大学院 スポーツ科学研究科 助手を経て現職。専門分野は「運動生理学」「運動生化学」。担当科目は「健康フィットネス論」「体力測定評価実習」「ゴール型球技」等。