


小山 智朗 教授
































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Associate Professor KOYAMA Tomoaki

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we spoke with Koyama Tomoaki, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Humanities Department of Psychology who specializes in clinical psychology.

A “midwife” who is present at the moment when patient is psychologically reborn

Q:What kind of school days did you have?

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I wasn’t exactly a model college student! (laughs)

For the first year, I was a ronin, trying to reapply to the university I wanted to enter. Even so, I gradually got used to the university itself, but I didn’t study at all and wandered around the remote islands of Okinawa carrying a tent. For a contemporary comparison, I guess I would say I was like Abareru-kun on the TBS Program “I am Adventure Boy.” I know you’re thinking, “That’s a bad idea!” And you would be right. That’s why I got held back in school twice. So, I don’t have any right to lecture you from on high, telling you to study seriously. (laughs)

On the other hand, I was constantly thinking about what I wanted to do. I read various books and traveled alone in search of the answer. At that time, when I volunteered as a camp leader to take care of children outside of the university, the children would say, “Big brother, big brother!” (At the time, I was young just like their big brother) They looked up to me, and that made me very happy, and I began to think that I wanted to work in a job that was deeply involved with children.

Q:Do you think that taking the time to look at yourself when you were a university student has helped you now?

Yes, it did. As I told you, I barely attended classes at first, got held back twice, and made my parents cry twice. To all of you students reading: “Don’t try this at home.” (laughs)

Anyway, I don’t think it was a waste of time to struggle and think hard during that two year “detour.” That experience is what led me to work with children, and that’s how I decided to become a psychologist, because I came across a book book by Dr. Kawai Hayao, which was different from my university specialty (Japanese history). I was fascinated by the wonderful psychotherapy that Dr. Kawai talked about, and that is what led me to this field.

After that, I taught myself and studied seriously for the first time after entering university. That was in the summer of my sixth year of university. You’re probably thinking, “That’s way too late!” Aren’t you? (laughs)

Q:What did you do after that?

I was completely self-taught and obviously lacked basic academic skills, but I was fortunate to be picked up by a graduate school. The graduate school was very friendly and open, and the professors were all people I could look up to, and it was a subject I wanted to study more than anything else. So it was another fun two years of studying and enjoying student life.

I was also in charge of actual psychotherapy. At first, I remember being so nervous about the psychotherapy that I felt nauseous, thinking, “How can I be in charge of something so important as dealing with people’s minds?” With the support of my seminar instructors and supervisor (who was more like a counselor at first), I managed to toddle my way down this path.

After completing my master’s degree, I started working as an educational counselor at a government agency. It was a wonderful place to work. The work was challenging and I was really blessed with good colleagues. My seniors warmly nurtured me because I was a troublesome person with a lot of pride but not much substance. I am still grateful to them.

Q:What is the work of a clinical psychologist like?

Psychotherapy is generally thought of as “the elimination of psychological symptoms and problems.” This is of course true, but I believe that psychotherapy is not just about eliminating symptoms. I believe that by looking at yourself and expressing yourself, you can greatly change yourself, or psychologically give birth to a new “you”. (By the way, I think of “I” as the self that proactively interacts with others, thinks, judges, and acts on its own.) In a metaphorical sense, I am not a “repairman of the mind” but a “nursemaid of the mind.”

Q:You quit your job, entered a doctoral program, and wrote your doctoral thesis. What was the experience like?

I quit my job after working for about 10 years and entered a doctoral program at a graduate school because I wanted to “reflect on my past practice and grow as a psychologist.” In other words, another “detour.” (laughs)

In graduate school, I studied how the “I” is born and how therapists relate to it. Just as there are birth pains during childbirth, the process of creating the “I” is not an easy one. The birth of the “I” is, on the other hand, the death of the “I” that existed up until then. It is hard to face up to one’s own problems and shortcomings and change them.

In retrospect, the three years of the doctoral program was not so much a “building up” of knowledge as it was a “breaking down” of my previous ideas and self-confidence. I became acutely aware of my own problems, such as the fact that the things I thought I was doing well actually depended on the support of my colleagues.

After completing the program, I started writing my doctoral thesis with the aim of becoming a university teacher while earning a living through part-time work. However, no matter how much I wrote, the goal seemed to slip away like a mirage, and with young children still at home, I felt quite trapped. I could not sleep at night because of the real fear of what would become of me and my family. Instead of enjoying my “detour,” I realized that I was in a cul-de-sac. (laughs) Even so, I continued to struggle desperately every day. I can only express my gratitude to my wife and children for supporting me through those difficult days.

Looking back, the eleven years I spent in graduate school and until the completion of my doctoral dissertation may have been the birth pangs of my own “I” People who come to see me for psychotherapy are also living a “detour” in the form of unwanted psychological problems and various worries. However, as a therapist, I hope to be able to walk with them on their “detour” so that one day they can look back and say, “I am glad I took that path.”

Q:How would you like to contribute to society through your research?

Clinical psychology is the study of how to help people who are suffering from psychological problems. In other words, what you study directly helps people and contributes to society. What you study alone will not end in mere self-satisfaction, but will directly lead to actual help for many people in need. Isn’t that a wonderful thing? To be more concrete, by exploring how to relate to people in distress, we as psychologists can:

(1) Improve the quality of our psychotherapy and directly support people suffering from mental problems.

(2) Provide new knowledge to professionals through articles and indirectly support people suffering from mental problems.

(3) Share knowledge of mental health and clinical psychology with the general public through books and lectures, and with students through lectures, and support them from a knowledge aspect.

I would like to put these three things into practice.

Q:Do you have a message that you would like to share with students?

I have been working here for about 20 years, and looking back, I can say that I was only really capable of doing a few things. When I am not able to help a client with too serious a problem, no matter how earnestly I try, things often go wrong, and I am painfully confronted with my own powerlessness. On the other hand, there are many times when I am impressed by the wonderful movement of the mind that changes on its own.

Yes, psychological clinical work is hard work, but it is also full of fascination. I can relate to others on a level so deep that I become one with them, and I can witness the moment their new “selves” are psychologically born. It is like being right there in the child birth ward. (laughs) Such a rewarding job is hard to find. If you are interested, please learn together with me.

Also, as I mentioned, I am not someone who is going to tell you to “study hard for your credits!” But please do study my lectures seriously and get credit for them… Anyway, all joking aside (laughs) the only thing I can say is that you should definitely take a “detour” in life. And if you do, take that detour whole-heartedly. Don’t make your road through college a straight and narrow one. Jump into all sorts of places to find what you want to do. Experience what it is to struggle.

I wish you a very fruitful four years, and please make sure it doesn’t turn into six years like me. (laughs)

小山 智朗 教授こやま ともあき

人文学部 心理学科

博⼠(教育学)。所属学会は「⽇本⼼理臨床学会」「⽇本学⽣相談学会」。宝塚市立教育総合センター 教育相談員、⼤阪⼯業⼤学・仏教大学 学生相談室カウンセラー、兵庫県スクールカウンセラー。大阪経済大学・仏教大学・追手門学院大学非常勤講師、香川大学保健管理センター 専任講師を経て現職。専門分野は「臨床心理学」。担当科目は「臨床心理実習B・C」「心理演習」「心理アセスメント」等。