


大秦 正揚 講師















Junior Associate Professor OHATA Masaaki

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher,” we interviewed Professor Ohata of the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences, Department of Bioenvironmental Design, about his subject, biology, and how he came to specialize in insect ecology.

Because I don’t know, I want to find out.
Discover the truth of the natural world through the eyes of science.

Q:Have you had a strong interest in animals and other living things since you were a child?

I’m from Muko City in Kyoto Prefecture. I grew up and attended elementary, middle, and high school in the suburbs of the city where bamboo groves spread nearby. When I was in elementary school, I was interested in insects and living things like stag beetles and crayfish. I used to fish for crucian carp in the pond and go into the mountains to gather wild vegetables and bamboo shoots. I guess I was a bit of an “unconventional” elementary school student.

By the time I was in high school, I stopped collecting insects and became very interested in Kinji Imanishi (an ecologist, anthropologist, and mountaineer), whom I learned about through reading books. I then went on to enter the Faculty of Agriculture at Kyoto University, where I spent my life as a student. However, I did not completely immerse myself in the study of living things when I entered university. I joined the competitive ski club and started participating in skiing competitions. It is not as if I was an experienced skier before then. As a beginner, I spent most of my time practicing for jumping contests. Although I was afraid of heights, once I got used to it I was able to jump well, which was quite fun

Q:What kind of research have you done?

In my fourth year of university, I thought, “I can’t just ski all the time,” and so I finally got serious about my “main job,” which is researching insect ecology. Then I went on to graduate school, and at that time, my research subject was “froghoppers.” They are members of the cicada family and live by sucking the sap of weeds and trees. This insect’s larvae have an unusual ecology: they live on stems and branches and turn their urine into a bubbly foam. At that time, there were not many people who studied this strange ecology. So, I tried to find out about it. Since then, I have been conducting research on insects and plants related to the insects’ ecology by going to the fields where they live and observing them, based on scientific analysis.

Q:Can you tell us about your ongoing research on insect ecology?

My current research project is to study the mating behavior related to food plant selection in the “Japanese green-veined white butterfly” and the “green-veined white butterfly”. The two species are almost indistinguishable as adults. In general, different species of butterflies feed on different grasses, with the former feeding on grasses in the arabis genus and the latter on grasses in the cardamine genus. With the cooperation of the Itami City Insectarium and other institutions, we are trying to understand how similarities in the appearance and differences in body size in adults of these two butterfly species affect their mating behavior and, ultimately, their choice of food plants.

Also, in the Kinki region, Japanese green-veined white butterflies eat two kinds of grass, “hakusan-hatazao” (arabis gemmifera) and “suzushirosou” (arabis flagellosa). Strangely enough, most of these plants do not grow in the same valley. Therefore, a butterfly that lives only in one valley will only eat one of the plants. I have been conducting research at Taga, Keihoku, and Nose on the variation in larval morphology and ecology caused by the fact that each valley’s butterflies have different diets.

Q:Could you tell us about the significance of studying biology for students?

Biology is a field of natural science, but I think it is more familiar to people than other fields because it often focuses on visible organisms. However, because we are so familiar with them, we tend to explain the phenomena we are dealing with in biology based on our own experience and what we have seen. However, there is a theory behind the occurrence of such phenomena, which can be explained scientifically. One of the reasons why studying biology is so important is it is easy to experience a slight change in your worldview. There are still many things we don’t understand about the natural world we live in today. However, life is always in motion and there are various interactions at work. I want students to learn to enjoy discovering these things one by one.

I am currently teaching biology as a general education course, and I want my students to develop a scientific perspective on things. In this world, there is a lot of ambiguity, lies, and rumors that are spread and twisted because of a lack of knowledge. To avoid being misled by such things, I think it is worthwhile to study biology at university. Recently, there have been many reports about the Nobel Prize, because there are many Japanese winners. However, watching the news about the Nobel Prize is much different if you know the meaning of the research as opposed to if you do not understand the meaning at all. I hope students will enjoy learning in detail about the things that are happening in the natural world.

Scientists try to get as close to the truth as possible. It is a matter of ethics as well as knowledge. Even if we haven’t reached the truth at this point in time, we can pass on what we have learned in our pursuit of the truth to the next generation.

Q:Do you spend time in nature with your family?

Now, I try to get outdoors with my children to feel close to nature. The mountains, rivers, and oceans are home to a wide variety of creatures.
I’ve also started gathering wild vegetables and fishing again with my children, which I used to enjoy when I was in elementary school. We pick and eat tara-no-me (sprouts of the Japanese angelica tree) and mushrooms, considering them a precious gift from nature. This may be another interaction of the natural world, and it’s a wonderful experience. However, there is a difference between benefiting from such living things without understanding them as opposed to if you know about them, isn’t there?

Have fun knowing and learning. Nature teaches us these important lessons.

大秦 正揚 講師おおはた まさあき

バイオ環境学部 バイオ環境デザイン学科

農学博士(京都大学)。京都大学大学院農学研究科博士後期課程 研究指導認定退学。専門分野は、「昆虫生態学」「動物行動学」「応用昆虫学」。担当科目は、「生物学」「生態学」など。主な研究内容は、「植食性昆虫の食草に対する適応進化」など。