


飯野 秀子 准教授


臨床心理学の実践を通じた社会貢献。 学びの場でもある、「心理教育相談室」の活動を支えて。


Q: 先生は、学内の「心理教育相談室」で学生を指導されているのですか?

人文学部の教員として教室で授業をすることと同時に、本学・京都太秦キャンパス内にある、⼤学付属の⼼理教育相談室で、学⽣たちを指導しながら、⾃らも⼼理療法を⾏うセラピストとして活動しています。 この⼼理教育相談室は、⼀般の⽅々に広く開かれた施設で、個⼈・家族・地域社会等に対して⼤学が臨床⼼理学的な⽀援を実践する、地域貢献の場となっています。いわば、⼤学がもっている様々なリソースを活かして、決して営利⽬的ではなく、地域社会の中で人々の精神的健康のために役立つ場として開設されているのです。場合によっては、医療機関との連携もはかりながら、広い意味での社会貢献の⼀助としての役割も担っていると考えています。また、本学で臨床⼼理⼠・公認⼼理師をめざしている⼤学院⽣のための、教育訓練機関としても機能しています。







ここでの経験は、ほんとうに貴重だと思うんですね。実に様々な⼈たちに出会うのです。⼀⼈のセラピストとして、真剣に対峙するわけです。⼈それぞれの「⽣き⽅」にふれて知る。様々な価値観がそこにはありますね。どちらがいいとかいうのではなくて、その⽣き様にふれることが重要になるんですね。 ここでの学びの⽅法も、また⼀⼈⼀⼈の学⽣たちにとって⼀様ではないですね。それでいいんです。その個性もまた⼤切にしていきたいと思っています。積極的な⼈、あまり前に出ない⼈、学⽣たちのパーソナリティも様々です。⼀⼈のセラピストとして⾃分の個性をなくしてしまってはなんにもならない。いや、豊かな個性を育んでいかなければ、来談者との深いやりとりも⽣まれてこないと思うんです。




Associate Professor IINO Hideko

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher.” we asked Professor Iino, a certified clinical psychologist, about the role of the “Psychoeducation Counseling Office”.

※Currently, the Psychoeducation Counseling Office is only conducting continued interviews and is preparing for the resumption of new applications.

Social contribution through clinical psychology practice. Supporting the activities of the “Psychoeducation Counseling Office”, which is also a place for learning.

Q:Do you teach students at the “Psychoeducation Counseling Office” on campus?

I teach classes as a professor in the Faculty of Humanities, as well as working as a therapist at KUAS’s Psychoeducation Counseling Office at Uzumasa Campus, teaching students and performing psychotherapy. The Psychoeducation Counseling Office is a facility that is open to the general public and serves as a place for the university to contribute to the community by providing clinical psychological support to individuals, families, and local people. In other words, it has been established not for profit but as a place to contribute to the mental health of the people in the community by utilizing the various resources of the university. In some cases, it also plays a role in contributing to society in a broader sense by cooperating with medical institutions. It also functions as a training place for graduate students at KUAS who aim to become certified clinical psychologists. The Psychoeducation Counseling Office welcomes people of all ages, from young children to middle-aged and older people. We offer various forms of psychological counseling, including individual and parent-child interviews, as well as play therapy and psychotherapy using painting and miniature gardens.

It is my job to arrange and maintain these important functions so that they run properly.

Q:Specifically, what kind of activities are you involved in?

I believe that all people have worries. Looking back on my past, there were times when I was worried about various things since I was young. It would seem that one of the reasons why I started to study clinical psychology was that I wanted to know more deeply about it and understand it in my own way. We conduct daily counseling activities in the hope that we can return even a little of what we have learned and experienced.

For example, if we look at the society around us today, in the context of human relations and complex backgrounds at home, work, and school, it has become difficult to carefully look at your relationships with others and your own mind. We tend to have problems that we can’t solve because they are all mixed together. To put it in a nutshell, sometimes you don’t know what’s bothering you and you can’t put it into words. Psychological factors can cause unusual behaviors and physical problems, such as pain and stiff shoulders. When it comes to worries, each one is varied and unique. Therefore, I think it’s time to listen carefully about the general difficulties of life and come in closer contact with them.

Q:It is also becoming a valuable place for practical learning. Could you please elaborate?

The basic principle of counseling is that guidance and advice are not given first. First of all, it is important to listen attentively to the speaker. This counseling room where graduate students do practical training on campus, and so we make sure to teach them the importance of “listening carefully”.
Of course, before the graduate students interact with clients, they study proper theory, perform various practices, and do role-playing in advance. Only then can they actually stand in the counseling room and interact directly with the clients, but the reality may be that the hurdle feels quite high for students. But realizing how difficult it is is also an important learning experience.
In a sense, it has ideal conditions for practical training. In addition to having an environment where students can concentrate, the places for practical learning and theoretical learning are directly connected. I hope that the valuable experiences they have here will be the basis for their activities after going out into society.

Q:What do you want the students to learn?

I think the students’ experiences here are really valuable. They meet so many different people. As a therapist, you confront each other seriously and learn by touching each person’s “way of life”. There are various values there. It is important not to decide which is better, but to see their way of life. The way of learning here is also not the same for each student, and that’s fine. I want to treasure that individuality as well. There are many personalities among the students, such as those who are outgoing and those who are reserved. As a therapist, there is nothing you can do if you lose your individuality. No, if we don’t nurture our individuality, we won’t be able to have deep conversations with our clients.
I want students to develop their knowledge and skills as specialists, but on the other hand, I also want them to be educated and acquire common sense as regular members of society. Specifically, this includes using honorific language and knowing basic manners, but they need to master even basic things. No matter how many specialized skills students learn, they must not lose the awareness that they are a professional and a member of society.

Q:What do you always keep in mind?

It’s hard to put it into words, but when I consider it again, the phrase “Arubekiyōwa (As it should be)” by Myōe Shonin comes to mind. It’s a very deep phrase and idea, so it’s not something I can say easily, of course. People say, “As it should be” but it’s not a narrow-minded thought or a formal obligation, nor does it mean “it is as it is” in your own way. For me, maybe it will be asking myself “is this as it should be?” while faithfully following a never-ending path. I think it would be good if we could put this into practice in our lives. It’s quite difficult for me in both my own life and in the field of education, but I want to do so as much as possible.
This is getting quite off-topic, but sometimes I take off my shoes and lie down in the sandbank of Kamogawa River. I look up at the sky and take a deep breath. Birds are soaring. The sound of the wind and water envelopes me. Simultaneously, I have a sense that I have been accepted by something great. I’ll also notice that I’ve been carrying something I don’t need and feel like letting it go. I encourage you to give it a try.

飯野 秀子 准教授いいの ひでこ

人文学部 心理学科
