


丹羽 英之 教授




Q: まずは、先生の専門分野についてお聞かせください。









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Q: 最後に、学生の皆さんへメッセージをお願いします。


Professor NIWA Hideyuki

In this edition of “Tell Us Teacher”, we spoke to Professor Niwa who is actively researching landscape ecology with his partner, a drone.

He wants people to have an interest in the natural world around them and to seek to understand the background of the creatures that inhabit it.

Q:First of all, please tell us about your field of expertise.

There are a variety of fields within ecology, but landscape ecology is an interdisciplinary field of study that looks closely at and analyzes landscapes of various scales from various perspectives in a hierarchical manner. Rivers have been my research field for a long time. After graduating from the Faculty of Agriculture, I worked for a company as an environmental consultant while earning my doctorate in global environmental studies. Even then, the theme of my thesis was related to the river ecosystems that I was working on at the time as part of my job.

Although, landscape ecology is not generally well-known, I take real pleasure in the fact that our work is actually reflected in society, for example, when we evaluate the habitats of living things and the results are used to formulate conservation policy. I specialize in plants, but sometimes I also work with fish because in landscape ecology we work with a wide variety of organisms and environments,

Q:You really love living things, don’t you?

I’ve always liked living things. I was the kind of kid that kept a variety of fish and insects, and in the summer, I would watch cicadas hatch all the time.

As a second generation baby-boomer, I saw extreme environmental degradation occurring before my eyes. Waterways that used to be full of frogs were turned into concrete, houses were built in rice paddies and reservoirs were reclaimed. Of course, I was just a child and I wasn’t aware of the issues at that time, but I think it was a very important formative experience. I can’t explain it well, but I came to the conclusion that I wanted to leave a good environment for the next generation because I learned so much from interacting with living things.

Q:What kind of research do you do specifically?

For example, in terms of plants, we are conducting surveys on mangroves in Okinawa. By photographing the mangroves from above with a near-infrared camera, we can see where the healthy trees are and where the unhealthy ones are. In addition to my ongoing research conducting environmental surveys of rivers, we are also working on new fields such as organic, pesticide-free tea fields. We are planning to evaluate whether or not environmentally friendly farming methods contribute to biodiversity. Spider webs will be the key point here. There are many insects such as spiders in organic, pesticide-free tea fields. We think that if we take photographs with a drone, we should be able to see spider webs with morning dew on them.

Q:Your use of drones in your research was previously featured in the KUAS newsletter. Can you tell us about that?

I have been using a drone for about 5 years. Now we use different types of aircraft and various sensors for different purposes. Landscape ecology is a discipline that specializes in taking a bird’s-eye view so aerial photographs and satellite imagery have been used for a long time. There were even researchers who used to launch balloons with cameras attached. Whenever I went to the river to do research, I always thought that if I had a “Take-copter” (A mini bamboo helicopter from the ‘Doraemon’ series), it would make my research easier and more accurate.

That’s when drones came along. With a drone, you can easily take high-definition photos whenever you want. I always have it in my car, so when I go to a mountain or river and find an area of interest, I immediately send out my drone. People around me say, “It’s like you have a pet with you.” For me, a drone is one of my tools, like a set of binoculars.

Q:Could you tell us what it is like to study in the Department of Bioenvironmental Design?

In addition to learning about living things in depth, students will also learn about a wide range of environmental factors and social systems that are necessary for their conservation.

Our main emphasis is on ecology-related lectures while also focusing on practical training, such as plant identification and analysis using a GIS (geographic information system). The other day, I actually flew the drone as part of the practical training in the field. In landscape ecology, it is important to understand the dynamic between living things, the environment and society. In order to do this, “mapping” using a GIS becomes important.  Unfortunately, this dynamic can’t be understood solely by using drones and a GIS, so I want my students to acquire the necessary knowledge as well.

Instead of just looking at your smartphone on your way to university, it’s important to take an interest in the nature around you, look at it with your own eyes, and “notice” something. That’s what I always tell my students.

Q:Finally, do you have a message for the students?

There are a wide range of research fields in landscape ecology, but the Kameoka Basin, where Kameoka Campus is located, is home to many characteristic creatures, and somewhere that I think students could conduct a variety of research in a familiar field. “Ayumodoki” or Kissing Loach (Parabotia Curtus) are well known, but I also find other creatures in the flood plains interesting such as bitterling-like cyprinids, “No-urushi“ (Eurphorbia adenochlora) and “Nagae-mikuri” (Sparganium Japonicum). I am still actively exploring the mountains and rivers, so I am confident I won’t be falling behind the students in terms of endurance any time soon. Come to Kameoka and let’s all learn about the environment with nature as our theme!

丹羽 英之 教授にわ ひでゆき

バイオ環境学部 バイオ環境デザイン学科
