


佐藤 隆徳 教授


育種の楽しさ、栽培の面白さを通して 「農のゼネラリスト」を育てたい。





台湾にある国際研究機関(AVRDC、現:WORLD VEGETABLE CENTER)では、南・東南アジア諸国の土着野菜の研究に従事しました。土着野菜というのは、その地域では利用されているけれど世界的にはまったく無名の、マイナーな野菜。たとえば京野菜のような地域の伝統野菜はメジャーな野菜の地方版ですから、これらとはまったく違う。まだ十分に利用されていない、そんなマイナーな野菜の栄養面や生産性を評価して、よいものを選抜して各国に還元するという仕事をしていました。 帰国後も一貫して農林水産省所管の研究機関に勤務。直近の5年間は、京都府綾部市にある農研機構の研究所で環境保全型野菜生産の研究管理に従事していました。環境に負荷をかけない野菜生産技術の確立。たとえばカラシナの抗菌成分などを利用した土壌消毒などもその一つですね。







Professor SATO Takanori

I want to foster “agricultural generalists” through the joy of cultivation and the fun of plant breeding.

Professor SATO Takanori has been working on vegetable breeding and improvement since he was a student.

In Professor SATO’s research department, the stated theme of research is “Food Industry + Agriculture”. This subject is very close to his own field of expertise. In this interview, Professor SATO told us about how his role is to foster “generalists of agriculture” by fully utilizing the knowledge and skills he has cultivated through more than 30 years of research.

Knowing about various aspects of vegetable production, from breeding to soil preparation, is key.

Q:I understand that “vegetable horticulture” and “vegetable breeding” are your areas of expertise. What kind of research have you been doing so far?

At university, I majored in vegetable horticulture. After completing my master’s degree, I joined the Vegetable Experiment Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1984, which was the start of my research career.

At that time, plant biotechnology (biotechnology) was booming, and I was involved in the development of breeding methods of various vegetables using biotechnology. After acquiring the necessary skills, I was assigned to the breeding laboratory for solanaceous (eggplant-related) vegetables, where I worked on tomato breeding using genetic recombination technology. I created varieties that were resistant to viral diseases, but it was difficult to put them to practical use, so they often ended up staying on paper. However, I think I developed a good foundation as a researcher during my time there.

Q:After that, did you pursue more diverse research activities in domestic or international research institutions?

After that, I entered a research institution in Taiwan(AVRDC, now: WORLD VEGETABLE CENTER) where I engaged in research on indigenous vegetables in South and Southeast Asian countries. Indigenous vegetables are minor vegetables that are used in a certain region but are completely unknown to the rest of the world. For example, traditional local vegetables such as Kyoto vegetables are completely different from their more common cousins. My job was to evaluate the nutritional aspects and productivity of such minor vegetables that have not yet been fully utilized, and select the best ones to introduce to other markets. After returning to Japan, I continued to work at a research institute under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Over the last five years, I was engaged in research and management of environment-friendly vegetable production at the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in Ayabe, Kyoto Prefecture. There, I am working to establish vegetable production technology that does not place a burden on the environment. For example, soil sterilization using the antibacterial components of carraca is one example.

Q:You joined KUAS in April of 2016. What kind of research activities are you conducting with students?

When I was assigned to the “Laboratory of Agricultural Production Studies”, we had three faculty members, 14 students and one graduate student. Our research focused on vegetables and grains (rice and wheat). Now, our main focus is on new varieties of vegetables created in Kameoka that are expected to become local specialties, such as a variety of black-eyed peas called “natsusaya,” a type of yam known as “kamemaru-imo,” and a leafy green suitable to pickling that is called “kyotanbana”.Vegetable varieties, once they are produced, are not the end of our research. The environment in which vegetables are grown and the tastes of consumers are constantly changing. In order for a variety to be cultivated by growers and accepted by consumers, it is necessary to continue to improve that variety and develop cultivation techniques. Also, I would like to find out what makes these vegetables different from others by conducting experiments to determine their characteristics and cultivation requirements. At the same time, I would like to be able to use this information to market these products selling them. Furthermore, I would like to give back to the local community by establishing cultivation techniques, evaluating the nutrition and functionality of local vegetables, and engaging in a deeper exploration of new cultivars that could become local specialty vegetables.

Kameoka is close to major markets such as Osaka and Kobe as well as Kyoto City. I would like to study how Kameoka can consume these products locally while also taking advantage of its geographical proximity to these larger markets.

Q:What sort of students would you like to foster in the Department of Agriculture and Food Technology?

I share the department’s goal of fostering “agricultural generalists”. University education is often associated with becoming a specialist, but to be honest, it is difficult to become a specialist in four years. In our department, you can learn not only about agriculture but also the entire process of turning crops into food and distributing them to a market. I believe that we must nurture human resources who can think for themselves and make decisions based on a broad perspective while building on a foundation of agricultural and food industry knowledge. I myself have been studying agriculture for a long time, but I have only done research on vegetables. If you are not aiming to become a researcher, it is important to have a broad perspective and to learn comprehensively.

Q:Do you have a message for your students?

Since you have decided on the field of food and agriculture, I would like you to consciously aim to become a person who can independently think, judge, and accomplish goals with a focus on food and agriculture during your four years at Kyoto University of Advanced Science. These four years may seem long, but they are very short. Being constantly aware of your goals will aid you in university and beyond.

When I was in school, my professors taught the fun of experiments and research as well as the joy of creating new life. In the same way, I would like to convey the appeal of my research to my students.

佐藤 隆徳 教授さとう たかのり

バイオ環境学部 食農学科
