【工学部ニュース】 工学部1年生が電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会で発表しました


本学工学部1年生のChristoffel Moekoe君とSena Yun君が、9月20日に電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会で発表しました。リャン(梁)講師の指導のもと、1年最初の春学期で、二人はICTを活用した工学教育のサポート方法についての実証研究を行いました。大学の授業中の彼ら自身の経験を振り返ることにより、授業方法を評価する、というものです。その結果、適切に使う限り、オーセンティック教材*を使った学習活動とクラウド型教育支援技術は、工学教育の効果をより高めることが分かりました。二人は、“Building technical communication skills of engineering students using authentic materials and tasks” と“Leveraging cloud-based learning technologies for developing professional communication skills in a collaborative learning environment”と題する論文を執筆、上記学会のNetwork and Service Design, Control and Managementのセッションで発表し、好評を得ました。

オーセンティック教材: ドラマや映画、ニュースなどを使った、生の英語を体感できる教材



(工学部 教授 今井 欽之)

First-year Faculty of Engineering Students Present at Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Conference

Christoffel Moekoe and Sena Yun, first-year Faculty of Engineering students from Kyoto University of Advanced Science, presented their research results at the most recent Society Conference of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) on September 15, 2020. During their first semester, under the guidance of Jr. Associate Professor Dr. Zilu Liang, the students performed empirical studies on how ICT can be leveraged to support engineering education. They evaluated teaching methods by looking back on their own experiences during their university classes. The students concluded that that cloud-based educational technologies as well as authentic learning materials and activities, if used properly, can enhance the effectiveness of engineering education. The students wrote two technical papers about this work, titled “Building the Technical Communication Skills of Engineering Students Using Authentic Materials and Tasks” and “Leveraging Cloud-based Learning Technologies for Developing Professional Communication Skills in Collaborative Learning Environments”. Their presentations of these papers at the Network and Service Design, Control and Management session of the IEICE conference were well received.

(Tadayuki Imai, Professor, Faculty of Engineering)



