




―センター長 徳賀芳弘(京都先端科学大学 経済経営学部 教授)






学内の研究者が中心となって、京都企業についての研究を進めている。例えば、稲田昂弘先生、鈴木貴之先生、安達房子先生のグループは、「京都の起業エコシステム」について、テキストデータの分析やシミュレーションを用いて研究している。個別の京都企業の研究に留まらず、企業あるいは経営者間の相互作用の観点から成長の要因を探り、これからの起業エコシステム構築への示唆を導き出そうとしている。この研究はKUAS学内助成(先端研究)と科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)に採択されている。


以上の研究活動に加えて、KUAS PDW on Management in Japanという国際ワークショップを毎年企画している。Strategic Management Journalや Management Scienceといった国際的に著名なジャーナルの編集者を招いて、日本における経営現象についての研究者が、論文へのフィードバックを受ける場(paper development workshop: PDW)を設けている。またグローバルに活躍する研究者には、京都、そして日本におけるユニークな経営現象・研究に触れる機会を提供している。






世界中から集まった留学生に対して、英語での講義が提供されている。例えば、「Entrepreneurs in Kyoto」(鈴木貴之先生)では、京都発のグローバル企業を築き上げた起業家について学んでいる。彼・彼女らが生まれ育った地で学び、経験してきたことが、京都企業が実践し、蓄積してきた知と交わり、新たな知が創造されることが期待される。




経済経営学部 講師 稲田昂弘

経済経営学部 准教授 鈴木貴之


Kyoto Firm Research Center

Our Purpose

Kyoto is a hub of Japanese History, and many Kyoto firms have a long history. In addition, you can feel an influence of good old Japanese culture in traditional products, techniques, working by crafters etc. At the same time, the firms are characterized not only by traditional values, but also by cutting-edge technology and innovation. For example, NIDEC, an electronic components manufacturer, is known for its advanced motor technology. In recent years, new industries are emerging, such as biotechnology-related start-up firms.

This unique mix of history and cutting-edge technology in Kyoto will create a global hub for research and education about Kyoto firms. We will provide places to interact with researchers, practitioners, and students interested in Kyoto firms from Japan and abroad. Through our activities, we aim to contribute to local economy by communicating the attractiveness of Kyoto-based firms to the rest of the world. In addition, it will serve as a gateway for researchers from around the world to study corporate activities in Kyoto and Japan.

- Yoshihiro Tokuga
(Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto University of Advanced Science and Director of KUAS Kyoto Firm Research Center)





By collecting materials and hosting workshops, we aim to build a network with researchers worldwide who share the same aspirations, serving as a global hub for research on Kyoto firms and, by extension, Japanese firms.

In-house & Collaborative Research
The research is primarily conducted by in-house researchers focusing on Kyoto firms. For example, the group led by Professor Takahiro Inada, Professor Takayuki Suzuki, and Professor Fusako Adachi is researching the "Kyoto Entrepreneurial Ecosystem" using text data analysis and simulation. They aim to provide insights into the development of future entrepreneurial ecosystems by exploring factors of growth from the perspective of interactions between firms or managers, not just individual firms. This research is funded by a KUAS internal grant (Advanced Research)

Material Collection & Archiving
Materials collected through these research activities are archived. Interview texts with managers and lecture records are shared with external researchers (limited to those in joint research with KUAS team), expanding research on Kyoto firms (for those interested in joint research, please contact us at the address listed in the inquiry section).

Hosting International Workshops
In addition to the above research activities, we annually plan an international workshop, the KUAS Paper Development Workshop (PDW) on Management in Japan. Editors from internationally renowned journals such as Strategic Management Journal and Management Science are invited to provide feedback on papers about managerial phenomena in Japan. This also offers global researchers the opportunity to engage with unique managerial phenomena and research in Kyoto and Japan.


Insights gained from research activities are utilized in education within the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Global Business and Economics Courses, and the KUAS Business School.

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
For example, in "Business in Kyoto" (Professor Akikazu Kobayashi), we invite managers from Kyoto firms to give lectures and interact with students. In the "Women Entrepreneurs" (Professor Fusako Adachi), mainly female managers active in Kyoto share their experiences on starting businesses and careers.

Beyond lectures, internship programs also provide opportunities to work in Kyoto firms.

In the "Service Learning" course, which offers real business experiences, students plan, develop, and sell products or services (2023 activities). Mr. Masao Hosoo from Hosoo Co., Ltd., which collaborates with world-renowned firms to innovate Nishijin-ori, participates as a mentor while also serving as an adjunct professor at KUAS.

Global Business and Economics Courses
Lectures are provided in English for international students from all over the world. For instance, in "Entrepreneurs in Kyoto" (Professor Takayuki Suzuki), students learn about entrepreneurs who have built global firms originating from Kyoto. It is expected that their learning and experiences in the land of their birth will intersect with the knowledge practiced and accumulated by Kyoto firms, leading to the creation of new knowledge.

KUAS Business School
An environment where executive candidates of Kyoto firms learn together exists. Students from various firms, including NIDEC, Omron, SCREEN Holdings, Nissin Electric, have gathered here. Within the lectures, students have the opportunity to listen to and directly ask questions to Mr. Shigenobu Nagamori (NIDEC founder, KUAS Chairman). Students educated in this unique environment deepen their understanding of their workplaces and compile their findings into master's theses.



Takahiro Inada
Junior Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Takayuki Suzuki
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
