【学長メッセージ】学生・教職員の皆さんへ/To All KUAS Students, Faculty and Staff



学長 前田 正史







To: All KUAS Students, Faculty and Staff


COVID-19 was first identified in November of 2019, and since then we have witnessed it grow to affect the entire world. COVID-19 is a virus, which means that it straddles the boundary between inanimate matter and life form. Viruses are not capable of self-proliferation, but they possess RNA. Even if COVID cannot be called a life form, it will still do anything it can to survive, and it cannot be defended against by conventional means. So, the question is, how do we confront this invisible threat? In our fight against COVID, we are reminded of the fact that the human ability to adapt to change is crucial to our survival.

COVID has brought about major changes not only in social interaction but also in education and research. Distance learning and telework have proliferated, and a different approach to living is now being established. This post-COVID environment requires us to adapt in order to thrive, and both institutions and individuals must think and act responsibly in order to bring this pandemic under control.

The New Year holidays are usually a time spent with family and friends as we reflect on the past year and look forward to the future with great hope. However, both in Japan and overseas, the pandemic shows no signs of abating. Vaccination has begun in some countries, but we cannot become complacent. The complete eradication of disease is impossible, but society can learn to live despite this. I would like to call on our campus community to pool our knowledge and discover new ways for us to adapt and thrive in this environment.

At KUAS, many of our classes are still held remotely due to the need to socially distance, but I hope to continue to provide our students with as many face-to-face classes as possible. All of our faculty and staff will strive to ensure that the time our students spend at KUAS is meaningful.

I hope that the coming year of 2021 will be bright and that all of you will be able to focus on your studies despite the post-COVID challenges that await.

MAEDA Masafumi, President
Kyoto University of Advanced Science



