Dormitory Information
KUAS dormitories are international residences where Japanese and international students live together, fostering cultural exchange. This experience helps students broaden their understanding of different cultures and values, preparing them to become global, ethical professionals with multidisciplinary insight, creative thinking, and the ability to address complex issues.
Each dormitory is supported by a Caretaker, Community Leader (CL), and Tutors. CLs, who are graduate students or young professors, organize community-building events. Tutors, who are second-year undergraduate students and above, assist and guide younger residents. Both CLs and Tutors are available daily to support dormitory residents and help them feel at home.
For students who prefer off-campus housing, the KUAS International Office can connect you with local English-speaking real estate agents who specialize in helping international students find accommodation.
Please note:
Students may stay in the KUAS dormitories for up to two years, after which they will need to arrange off-campus housing. This two-year limit is subject to change.
Dormitories C and Kameoka do not have a caretaker.