




委員長 前田 正史







「登校禁止」の解除: 令和2年6月 1日(月)から

対面授業の一部開始: 令和2年6月11日(木)から


1.      登校禁止の解除について



  • 登校前に体調の確認を行い、体調に変化がある場合(発熱、咳、のどの痛み、強い体のだるさ)は、登校できません。
  • 新型コロナウイルスに感染した人や直近2週間の間に海外から入国した人と接触した日から14日を経過していない場合は、登校できません。
  • 登校の際は、感染防止の3つの基本(①身体的距離の確保、②マスクの着用、③手洗い)を守ってください。
  • 用件が済んだら速やかに帰宅するようにしてください。なお、パソコンルームは、自習、遠隔授業受講を目的とする場合について、引き続き開放します。

2.      対面授業の一部開始について

6月11日(木)から、1年生と4年生を対象とするゼミ、実習、研究などの科目について、一部対面授業を開始いたします。(1年生:スタートアップゼミⅠなど 4年生:専門ゼミCなど)




3.     <お願い>「新しい生活様式」の徹底について




① 身体的距離の確保
② マスクの着用
③ 手洗い



  • 不要不急の外出はしない
  • 人込みが予測される場所への外出は控える
  • カラオケ・居酒屋・バーへの出入りを控える​​​​​​




各局 電話(太秦) 電話(亀岡) E-mail
学生センター (075)406-9115 (0771)29-3625 ksc@kuas.ac.jp
教務センター (075)406-9123 (0771)29-2235 ksc@kuas.ac.jp
保健室 (075)406-9140 (0771)29-2273 health@ml.kuas.ac.jp
学生相談室 (075)406-9138 (0771)29-2258 counsel@kuas.ac.jp
障害学生支援室 (075)406-9281 (0771)29-2266 shien@ml.kuas.ac.jp
キャリアサポートセンター (075)406-9260 (0771)29-2260 career@kuas.ac.jp
インターンシップセンター (075)406-9260   intern@kuas.ac.jp


May 27 2020

To: All KUAS Students

Kyoto University of Advanced Science
Crisis Management Committee
Chairman: Masafumi Maeda


[IMPORTANT] Cancellation of the "Attendance Ban" and Partial Restarting of Face-to-face Classes


 In order to prevent infection, students were asked to refrain from coming to campus. However, in response to the relaxation of the business closure request from Kyoto Prefecture, which is scheduled to go into effect on May 28th, we will relax our university’s "attendance ban" as detailed below, and will restart a portion of our face-to-face classes.


"Attendance Ban" Relaxation Start Date: June 1, 2020 (Monday)

Partial Restarting of Face-to-face Classes: June 11, 2020 (Thursday)


1.       Relaxation of the Attendance Ban

From June 1 (Monday), students will be able to come to campus. Please observe the followings  when you come to campus.


  • Students should check their temperature before coming to school and should not attend to school if they experience any of the followings: fever, cough, sore throat, or strong malaise.
  • Students are not allowed to attend school for 14 days if they have been in contact with someone who has been infected or who has returned from abroad in the last two weeks.
  • When students come to school, they are asked to please follow the 3 Basic Measures to prevent infection ((1) Maintaining physical distance, (2) Wearing a mask, and (3) Handwashing).
  • Students are asked to return home as soon as their classes are finished. The PC rooms will continue to open for the purpose of self-study and remote study.


2.      Partial restarting of face-to-face classes

On June 11 (Thursday), KUAS will restart its face-to-face classes for students in seminars, training courses, research courses and other fields targeting first year students and fourth year students. (First year students: Startup seminar I etc. Fourth year students: Specialty seminar C, etc.)

In addition, please be sure to check Sentan Navi for details regarding face-to-face classes (courses, classes, hours, etc.) that Educational Affairs Center will announce in the near future.


*Other courses currently offered via remote learning will continue remotely.


3. Thorough implementation of “post-corona” safety measures

For the time being we ask that all students should avoid the 3 Cs (closed, crowded areas, and close spaces) and ensure that you practice the measures that the National Council of Experts have recommended for fighting the coronavirus.


★Three basics of infection prevention

①    Ensure physical distance
②    Wear a mask
③    Practice handwashing


In addition, in order to prevent infection when not at school, please continue to observe the followings:

  • Don't go out when it is unnecessary.
  • Refrain from going to places where crowds are expected
  • Refrain from going to karaoke, izakaya and bars



<Contact information>

  Tel(Uzumasa) Tel(Kameoka) E-mail
Student Affairs Center (075)406-9115 (0771)29-3625 ksc@kuas.ac.jp
Educational Affairs Center (075)406-9123 (0771)29-2235 ksc@kuas.ac.jp
Nurse's Office (075)406-9140 (0771)29-2273 health@ml.kuas.ac.jp
Student Counselor's Office (075)406-9138 (0771)29-2258 counsel@kuas.ac.jp
student disability
support office
(075)406-9281 (0771)29-2266 shien@ml.kuas.ac.jp
Career Support Center (075)406-9260 (0771)29-2260 career@kuas.ac.jp
Internship Center (075)406-9260   intern@kuas.ac.jp




